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Why choose inductive?

  • Low cost, robust to environment, tolerant of geometric misalignments

  • Easy to integrate into products or applications

  • High reliability automotive-standard components available from a range of manufacturers

  • Straightforward to provide additional functionality - for example temperature or condition monitoring

  • Suitable for many sensing geometries - rotary (single or multiple periods), linear, dual channel for safety critical applications, very high resolution through coarse/fine channels for accurate and precise measurements

  • Utilises standard printed-circuit-board process with a reliable supply chain

  • Capture more of the value in your product and vertically integrate your supply chain by manufacturing your own sensors, alternatively you can use our manufacturing partners.


What we do ...

Sensor methods can help you integrate inductive sensors into your products by providing application engineering and support, such as:


  • IC selection

  • Inductive coil design and simulation

  • Sample production and test

  • End of line programming and testing support

  • Statistical and Monte Carlo analysis of performance and reliability


We have extensive experience with inductive systems, operating in fields with demanding and safety critical applications, successfully bringing hundreds of millions of parts to market. This has been achieved through a deep knowledge of inductive technology, broad manufacturing experience, and methodologies to assess and verify performance over lifetime, temperature, and tolerances.


From sensor design to sophisticated statistical and Monte Carlo analysis of performance, we have a suite of design and simulation tools to ensure a dependable sensor solution.

Why choose inductive ?
linear sensor in housing with background
linear inductive position sensor application

Principles of operation

A transmit coil is supplied with AC current at MHz frequencies, this produces an alternating magnetic field

Inductive sensor with transmit coil energised
How inductive position sensors work
Configuring for your application

Configured for your application

The sensor can be configured with multiple independent sensing channels: for redundancy in safety critical applications; or to provide a high precision 14+bit measurement

linear inductive position sensor

Linear sensors are well suited to control and automation applications, for example valve positioners

rotary inductive sensor segment

Segment sensors are good for large applications or where space is limited - with some reduction in accuracy

Technology history

Mass market inductive sensing: driven by automotive

historical developments of inductive position sensors

Inductive sensing is based on two physical laws of electromagnetism: Ampere's law where a current produces a magnetic field; and Faradays law of induction where a changing magnetic field induces an EMF in a conductor.


These two principles are the foundations of the technology, and the development of reliable and low-cost electronics has allowed the fundamental strengths of the technology to be realised, leading to widespread adoption in the automotive industry.


It is now the dominant technology for many position sensing applications and, as such, benefits from robustness to environmental factors (e.g., water, dirt, magnetic fields), low cost and automotive qualified components.


Its slim form factor, ease of manufacture and relative insensitivity to geometric tolerances make this an attractive technology choice for integration into products.

Contact us ....

  • For custom designed samples tailored for your application

  • To work with us to integrate the technology into your products

  • To expand your existing position sensing portfolio of technologies

  • For sensor designs and support to allow you to manage the supply chain

  • For sensor modules, or fully housed sensors through our manufacturing partners

Inductive position sensor simulation
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